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How to Increase Software Adoption

How to increase software adoption

As exciting as innovation software is, it doesn’t roll itself out. As with anything new, it takes some time and adjustment. So, let’s take a dive into the five key psychological barriers to software adoption. How businesses can be agile as they search for ways to increase software adoption. 1. The Appeal of the Status […]

How to Move to a 4-Day Week

how to move to a 4 day week

How to move to a 4-day week and boost your employees’ wellbeing, using the ADKAR change management process (just like we did!).

What Makes a Good Idea? (Video)

what makes a good idea

Submit the best ideas and have them noticed by the whole organization. Discover three key things every budding ideator should consider!

5 reasons for a 4-day week

If you’re considering making the all-important to a 4-day week, but need a little more persuasion, here are five reasons to start putting plans in place.

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